Stonewall Hinkleman

Big News!
2014, 8:01 pm
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Interview with Tom and Michael
2009, 6:43 pm
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Cynthia Leitich Smith, author of Tantalize and Eternal, interviewed us for her blog:

She asks us:

What was your initial inspiration for writing this book?

Could you describe your collaborative process?

Could you tell us about your path to publication, any sprints or stumbles along the way?

At least one of those answers involves a tapir. Follow this link to read all about it:


NOTE, when this interview was done, Tom was still using the pen name Sam Riddleburger. So he is SR in the interview.

A great school visit in Christiansburg, Va.
2009, 11:53 pm
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We had a wild time today at Christiansburg Elementary School. All the fifth-graders from C.E.S. and nearby Belview Elementary were there. About 200 kids in all, the teachers told us. We definitely didn’t have time to count. Those kids were ready to roll!


Tom warms up the crowd with juggling … except he doesn’t appear to be juggling in this picture…


The bugle blowing competition was won by the young lady on the far right, who played Jingle Bells on the bugle!


Here Michael emcees a Civil War Knowledge Quiz…

Bull Run Battlefield was a big success!
2009, 11:18 pm
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Civil War expert Robert Freis helped us lead a tour of the Bull Run Battlefield, the setting of Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull Run.
Civil War expert Robert Freis helped us lead a tour of the Bull Run Battlefield, the setting of Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull Run.

Two days after the actual anniversary of the Civil War’s first major battle, we led a tour of the spot where it happened — and where the events of our book happened.

We saw the Henry House, Matthews Hill and, of course, the giant statue of Stonewall Jackson. Our thanks to the park rangers for letting us visit and talk about our book and the real-life history behind it.
Afterwards, we headed for the nearby Manassas Library for a more light-hearted program, featuring our infamous Bugle-Blowing Contest. Our thanks to the library for letting us make a little noise.
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